That Girl Is Poison. Let’s Talk Plant Life

Flat World Partners
4 min readJun 14, 2019


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My family and I moved out to the burbs from New York City four years ago. In that time, my ten year-old son has borne the brunt of the transition — he lost his mind when he realized that play dates had to be scheduled instead of being at his fingertips at ubiquitous public playgrounds; within months, he had to take medical leave from soccer because of contracting Lyme disease; and now he’s suffering from a terrible case of poison ivy (face, legs…nether regions) that has him wallowing in sorrow and oatmeal baths for hours on end. With the monsoon season of a spring that we’ve had in the Northeast plant life is having a field day (yup).

A modern parent, I kicked google into high gear once I saw one of his eyes swollen shut — turns out — poison ivy thrives on carbon dioxide and is loving life now that we’re all living with higher levels of carbon in the atmosphere. Not only does poison ivy grow well in a warming environment but the toxicity of its resin has increased. Many people worry about what the climate will be like in 10, 20 or 50 years, but it’s unmistakable that we’re seeing the effects right now.

My son will be fine. His itching humiliation will fade with hydro-cortisone treatment in a matter of weeks, but poison ivy has affected others in more severe ways. Poison Ivy vines are overgrown in many forests having over-topped trees in many places from the Amazon to South Carolina. US Forest rangers have reported worsening job-related injuries from inhaling poison-ivy laced smoke that become airborne during forest fires. With poison ivy prevalent in all lower 48 states (except California) and moving to higher and higher altitudes, all of us need to remember, “Leaves of three, let it be.” No need to tell my son — now he’s got even more reason to stay inside to play Fortnite.

Kate Starr, Chief Investment Officer

A Church in Simsbury was not interested in a classic solution to an outbreak of poison ivy, so instead of using harmful chemicals around young children, they decided to bring in some goats to nibble away at the problem.

DoTerra, an all-natural essential oils company has come up with a combination of oils that lowers the reactions to poisonous plants such as poison ivy. Melaleuca and fractionated coconut oil combine for a killer combo in helping to end the itch! Even better — their supply chain is completely sustainable!

The global essential oils market demand was 226.9 kilotons in 2018. It is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 8.6% from 2019 to 2025. The market is estimated to cross 13 billion USDby 2024.

For all the DC Comics fans out there, you know that Batman has a nemesis named Poison Ivy, a trained botanist, who uses plant toxins and mind-controlling pheromones in her evil doing. Watch the scene from 1997’s Batman & Robin where Uma Thurman transforms from an unsuspecting lab assistant to a poisonous eco-terrorist!

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